How to Cite
Fernández Rincón, C. A., & Ropero Giraldo, F. A. (2015). Perceived benefits , barriers and physical activity level of university students. Revista Investigaciones Andina, 17(31), 1391-1406.


Objectives: identify the perceived benefits, barriers and level of physical activity on university students in the city of Armenia (Colombia).

Method: it is a quantitative descriptive method; with the participation of 258 undergraduates students. The instruments were based on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the scale of benefits and barriers of Pender & Pender.

Results: it was found in an analysis of continuous variables, a moderate level of physical activity; but more specific studies, only those who have a type of vigorous physical activity are in that category. The perceived benefits are found to be high and median barriers is being the most physical kind of perception.

Conclusion: students have a moderate level of physical activity, proportional to those who do vigorous physical activity; there is a high appreciation of the beneficial and medium perception of barriers.


Authors should declare no conflicts of interest either for reasons of financing the project which is the result of the article; as well as intellectuals, academics, moral and investigative reasons.
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