How to Cite
Barragán, A. F. H., & Cuevas, J. R. T. (2015). Cardiovascular risk factors in participants of a massive program of physical activity. Revista Investigaciones Andina, 16(28), 949-963.


Objectives: to characterize the cardiovascular risk factors of people from Bogotá city and consider what percentage of people have a higher risk of a cardiovascular event.

Materials and methods: the anthropometric measures as the waist circumference, height and weight were took of 3316 participants in a Physical activity program using an interview with questions about topics as medical history, age type and level of physical activity. To obtain information about the cardiovascular risk presence, three indexes were developed with self reported presence of two or more risk factors.

Results: 54% of individuals had a healthy weight, while only 28.4% were classified as physically active, on the other hand, people belonging to early adulthood reported being more sedentary. The main reported risk factor was present in overweight individuals and 1732 people have the presence of two or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Discusion: half of the individuals analyzed could develop cardiovascular disease in the future.


Authors should declare no conflicts of interest either for reasons of financing the project which is the result of the article; as well as intellectuals, academics, moral and investigative reasons.
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