How to Cite
Henao, D. E., & Franco, T. (1). Epistemological approach to the sciences that support evidence-based practice. Revista Investigaciones Andina, 17(30), 1250-1259.


We present in this reflection article, an epistemological approach to scientific disciplines that support evidence-based practices: for it, the clinical epidemiology modeled was selected as a provider of knowledge to evidence-based medicine.

The idea of progress proposed by these practices in their enunciation is problematized. The inconveniences of blind import methods of physics and chemistry to study the phenomena of the life (human there included) are highlighted. Also,a critically review of the definition of the object of clinical epidemiology (the patient) highlighting some shortcomings in its conceptual framework. We conclude by asking the limitations in this proposal, which decreases its explanatory scope and internal consistency.


Authors should declare no conflicts of interest either for reasons of financing the project which is the result of the article; as well as intellectuals, academics, moral and investigative reasons.
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