How to Cite
Rubiano Mesa, Y. L., Puerto Guerrero, A. H., & Rojas Reyes, J. (2016). Childhood tuberculosis: a narrative review of the bibliographic references. Revista Investigaciones Andina, 18(32), 1455-1479.


Introduction: Childhood Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious contagious disease whose agent is the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, and should be considered a public health problem; not only because of the burden of disease in childhood and adolescence but at the same time shows the presence of the uncontrolled bacillus in family and community spaces. This led to explore the available scientific literature on the subject and multiple approaches in the health sciences

Methodology: A literature review was conducted in different specialized databases in health topics with the descriptor 'tuberculosis in children' combined with morbidity, mortality and nursing. After this review, the studies found were identified, analyzed and classified

Results: The information is divided into six groups: epidemiology of the disease; risk factors and criteria for detecting the BIT; relationship between TB and respiratory diseases in children; complications of TBI; options for the treatment and prevention of TBI, and the relationship between public health, nursing and TBI by way of reflection.

Conclusion: This subject has been approached from quantitative approaches with descriptive, retrospective and epidemiological scope, with little production in the social and humanistic approach.


Authors should declare no conflicts of interest either for reasons of financing the project which is the result of the article; as well as intellectuals, academics, moral and investigative reasons.
The Journal of Andean Research is home to the ethical rules for publications issued by the COPE:


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