How to Cite
Hoyos Soto, V., López Mahecha, J. M., & Tabima García, D. (2015). Imaginaries about mental disease in a general population attending to the self-help groups in mental health, Pereira-Colombia 2013. Revista Investigaciones Andina, 17(31), 1313-1326.


Introduction: the imaginary are subjective/personal mental constructions belonging to all human and correspond to their way of seeing and understanding the world. These may be explored during the Self-Help Groups in Mental Health (SHGMH) forums. The paper aims to describe the imaginary about mental illness among the participants to the SHGMH, Pereira-2013.

Methods: this is a qualitative study based on Grounded Theory, with comparative analysis by participant observation in two headed debates, theoretical sampling and systematic interrogation. The open coding was followed by axial coding, highlighting the most outstanding codes and contrasting them with the literature.

Results: in open coding, the next categories were found: Doctors-Queries-Barriers; axial coding through comparative triangulation, showed four components: Hope- Coping-Search-Guilt.

Conclusions: it is necessary to develop strategies that promote the continuous renewal of hope and persistence search and coping, releasing guilt and promoting the self-control lost in the process of mental healing.



Authors should declare no conflicts of interest either for reasons of financing the project which is the result of the article; as well as intellectuals, academics, moral and investigative reasons.
The Journal of Andean Research is home to the ethical rules for publications issued by the COPE:


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