How to Cite
Sánchez, A. I. M., & Guerrero, A. H. P. (2015). Programmatic actions related to early diagnosis and monitoring of patients with tuberculosis in two localities of Bogotá. Colombia. Revista Investigaciones Andina, 16(29), 1045-1058.


Introduction: tuberculosis is considered a significant disease in public health because is the second most deadly infectious disease in the world.

Objective: identify and evaluate programmatic actions related to early diagnosis and monitoring of patients with tuberculosis in two districts of Bogotá.

Methodology: cross-sectional study using a data collection tool applied to health workers (doctors, nurses, nursing assistants), the various institutions provide health services-IPS, two localities of Bogotá, Colombia. Ethical issues were preserved.

Results: in developing the study strengths and weaknesses in relation to the actions of Tuberculosis Control Program on personal health were evident. They attended 14 public and private IPS, and 273 workers. Some of the findings were identified: 52% of health workers who participated in this research, conducted fieldwork contacts continuously. Regarding the percentage of monitoring the patient who was told smear microscopy, we found that only 34% of health workers always verified monitoring, and 41% for respiratory symptomatic smear ordered inexorably.

Conclusions: programmatic actions related to the diagnosis and monitoring should be strengthened, especially concerning the early detection of epidemiological field research, strategies and monitoring timely care to patients and their contacts.


Authors should declare no conflicts of interest either for reasons of financing the project which is the result of the article; as well as intellectuals, academics, moral and investigative reasons.
The Journal of Andean Research is home to the ethical rules for publications issued by the COPE:


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