How to Cite
Cruz Riveros, J. W., & Veloza Morales, M. C. (2019). Patient’s Safety in Hospitals in Bogota from the Perspective of Professionals in Nursery. Revista Investigaciones Andina, 21(39), 9-20.


Objective: To evaluate the perception of patient’s safety in nurses who work in a health unit service center in Bogota. Method: A cross-sec- tional and descriptive study was carried out to evaluate perception over patient’s safety. We applied a questionnaire from the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ), designed to measure knowledge about patient’s safety. It was done in a health unit service center in Bogota. Results: A total of 43 nurses from the health-care services area answered the survey. The sections which threw a higher alpha Cronbach rate were frequency of notified events (0,826); teamwork in the healthcare service unit (0.824) and issues in shift changes and transitions between services (0.785). Whilst sections with a lower rate were classified as chances to improve, taking into account the results of other research works which used the same measuring instrument. They were staffing (0.533) and non-punitive reaction to errors (0,488). Conclusions: In order to reach average levels of knowledge regarding patient’s health, it is necessary to use a scientific method which helps define and understand all the problems related to the frequency of flaws and errors that affect patient’s care. Thus, sections of staff and non-punitive answer to mistakes, as well as the problems in shifts and transitions between services are a starting point to create strategies to improve and positively create a change in the institution.        


Authors should declare no conflicts of interest either for reasons of financing the project which is the result of the article; as well as intellectuals, academics, moral and investigative reasons.
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