How to Cite
Joubert, K. A. (2015). Regenerative Education and Networks for Transition. Panorama, (10), 36 - 45. Retrieved from



Through regenerative education we allow learners to express and develop their love for the world as they learn. They learn through engagement with their families, communities, and the ecosystems that they are an integral part of. They become part of the solution. Education becomes not passive, but instead an active process of creation, understanding and change. Children, youth and adult learners of all ages need to touch, taste, smell, see and hear that a different world is possible. In this respect, ecovillages represent classrooms par excellence. They are demonstration sites of sustainability in practice, places of inspiration and holistic training centres. The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) and its educational programs, most specifically the Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) and Transition to Resilience Training (T2RT), represent invaluable resources for an education for sustainable development.

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